Newsletter June 2024


  • Arbor Day Celebration in Mellon Park

  • Terraced Garden Study Update

  • Vertical Mulching and Air Spading Completed

  • Volunteer Opportunities

  • Tennis Building Update

  • Have You Noticed?

Arbor Day Celebration in Mellon Park

On April 27, Joy Sato, director of special events at the Pittsburgh Center for Arts & Media for over 20 years, was recognized at the Arbor Day event. Joy loves Mellon Park and has worked tirelessly to make it a safe and welcoming place for the community. We also welcomed the City of Pittsburgh Forestry Division, Tree Pittsburgh, and WQED as event partners. Tables sponsored by schools and community, civic, and environmental organizations decorated the perimeter of the oval, offering no-waste, sustainable, STEAM-based activities. There were guided tree walks, yard games, tree giveaways, food, and a lively Latin beat from Miguel Sague and Trio Corazon. Once again, the drumline and dance team from the Obama Academy 6-12 Eagles “P.E.P.” band brought heart-pumping music and entertainment. Local personality Nancy Polinsky Johnson emceed the event and kept things exciting with her enthusiasm.

Next year’s celebration will be extra-special because we’ll celebrate Mellon Park’s fifth year as Pittsburgh’s first public arboretum. It will be on Saturday, April 26, 2025. See you then!

Terraced Garden Study Update

The results of the Terraced Garden study are in. LaQuatra Bonci Associates assessed the state of the garden, developed concepts for its restoration, and presented the information at a public meeting on May 30. For the most part, the garden is structurally sound. The designs were well received, and now the long march to bring about the restoration of the Terraced Garden begins. Funds have to be raised, and another public meeting will be held before the final design is taken to the Historic Review Commission for approval. Last fall, Friends of Mellon Park raised the money needed to support this study from individuals and garden clubs. Thank you!

Vertical Mulching and Air Spading Completed

The air spading and mulching treatments made possible by your donations were completed on both sides of the park in April. Six trees were treated by Davey Tree, and at least 19 neighboring trees will benefit from that treatment.


Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer gardeners are back at work in several areas of the park. These wonderful neighbors donate their time to help keep things neat and beautiful. If you enjoy gardening and would like to spend some time working in the park, please email for more information.

Tennis Building Update

Construction of the new building at the tennis bubble on the north side of the park should begin sometime this summer. The plans must be approved by the Historic Review Commission before work can begin. The building will replace the trailer that is there now, and will be attached to the bubble. Access to the courts will be from inside the new building, through one of the four new doors along the side of the structure. There will be a family restroom and a mother’s room. A co-working space will be available to staff, tennis pros, City employees, and park rangers. The building will be open to the public.

Have You Noticed?

The spray park on the north side of the park is open!

Become a Friend of Mellon Park

Friends of Mellon Park is a 100% volunteer-run organization. We are able to help care for the park because of your support. You can become a Friend of Mellon Park.

Please join us and donate today.