When you donate to Friends of Mellon Park, you join others who are committed to supporting, protecting, and advocating for Mellon Park. Friends of Mellon Park greatly appreciates your donation!
Foundations and other organizations may email info@friendsofmellonpark.org for further information.
If you would prefer to donate by check, please make payable to Friends of Mellon Park and mail to 6657 Reynolds Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206.
You can donate securely via Zelle. Our Zelle account is treasurer@friendsofmellonpark.org. You can also donate safely via PayPal.
Friends of Mellon Park is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, and all donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Thank you for your support of Mellon Park!
Thank you to the Friends who have donated in support of Mellon Park.
Howard Aikens
Meryl & David Ainsman
Linda Argote
James McK. Armstrong
Jennifer Balog
Corinne & John Babson
Mare Barr
Francoise Barrionuevo
Raymond N. Baum
Chip Berger
Cindy Berger
Howard Berger
Kristina Berglund
Don & Sue Bialostosky
Angela & Luke Bonomo
Daniel Booker
Karla Boos
Mary Boscia
Caroline Boyce
Kelsey Branch
Jack Brice
Margaret Campbell
Susan Caroleo
Mackenzie Carpenter
Christina Casillo
Sarah Chadam
Lynne Chadwick
Deborah & Richard Clark
Michele Clarke
Mary Reed Cochran
Denise DeStefino Cohen
Suzanne Curran
Cynthia Grace Devine-Kepner
Maria Cohen
Mary & Craig Collins
Matthew Collins
Basil Cox
Betsy Cwenar
Mary Denison
Sarah Drake
Jeanne & Robert Drennan
Cathy & Dan Droz
David Droz
Craig Dunham
Johanna du Plessis
Joy Edwards
Rachel Ekstrom
Richard & Sandy Ekstrom
Ebe Emmons
Kathleen Farrington
Martha Forman
Fox Chapel Garden Club
Kate Freed
Alice Fuchs
Rohan Ganguli
Alice V. Gelormino
Larry Gerson
Harold Glick
Jonathon Glick
Rae Gold
Pam Goldman
Larry Green
Jacob Greenberg
Kelly Greer
Kelly Grote
Nancy Hanst
Stuart Hastings
Allen Humphrey
Charlie Humphrey
Tricia Hurley
Martha Isler
Sarah Ismail
Andrea Jackson
Silloo Kapadia
Michelle Kakadelis
Regina & Stratis Kakadelis
Tina Kakadelis
Eleanor Kamin
Betsy Kampmeinert
Leslie Kaplan
Richard Katz
Claire Keyes
Margaret King
Rachel Krasnow
Lars Kuehn
Lauren & Jason Kushner
Ann & Rick Landesberg
Mary Lefaiver
Elsa Limbac
Ilana Linton-Stotz
Scott Livingstone
Paula Lockhart
Andrea London
Barbara & Ken Love
Chas & Sarah Lucas
Michael Mallinger
Robert E. Marshall
Kelly Maruca
Jean-Anne Matter
Bernard McKinley
Melissa McSwigan
Barbara Mendocino
Amy Merritt
Laurie Moser
Elizabeth Mullaugh
Trudi & Robert Murch
Sally Meyers
Linda Montelone
Katherine Montgomery
Pamela Bier Nakajima
Sumio Nakajima
Anne-Marie & Edward Nelson
Gail Neustadt
Janice Myers Newbury
Tessa & David Nicholson
Ted & Rhodora Noethling
Olga Noon
Ellen Ormond
Elliott Oshry
Rebecca Pais
Stephen L. Parker
Susie & Gregg Perelman
Carolyn Perret
Lisa Pifer
Barbara Piskor
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Antonio Pyle
Robert Raczka
Susan Rademacher
Chris & Mary Rawson
Jean Reiland
Leslie Reimer
Daphne Retter
James C. Rogal
Katherine Romey
Ruth Rouleau
Caryn Rubinoff
Jim & Louisa Rudolph
Nancy Ruffer
Sheri Sable
Merrilee Salmon
Marla Sue Scheinman
Susan Schmidt
Bill & Pat Schuetz
John Shepard
Leonard Silk
Evelyn Simon
Susan Smalara
Susan & Philip Smith
Amy Spear
Jessy Stein
Gretchen Swecker
Emily Tomlin
Lindsay Totten
Margaret Trevanion
Jon Tucker
Albin Vareha
Caitlin Virtue
Steve Vogelsang
Charles Wagner
Lynn Waliser
Peggy Walrath
Mrs. James Walton
Mary Walton
Rachel Walton
Marcie Weinstein
Susan & Ray Werner
Western PA Unit, Herb Society of America
Margaret Whitmer
Allen W. Whittemore Jr.
Bill & Glenda Williams
Abby Wilson
Window Box Garden Club
Eileen Yeager
Patrick Yoest
Susan Zelicoff